Another banger from PixelHeadAche
Another banger from PixelHeadAche
Idk if I got spoiled the third NMH, but anyway your works are very livefull and does convey some of your soul, it's a pleasure to see
Thanks dude, dont worry this is just what i want to happen in NMH4
Truly amazing, everything is awesome from the background to the chara design, it reminds me a bit of Jet Set Radio and a comic called Franky Snow. Can't wait to see how you will devellop your ar, keep going like this !
Wow very dynamic and powerful proportions and shape, I like it a lot
I love the fake screencap effect, even if it still looks too clean for some retro anime, anyway that's
a very nice piece of art.
Amazing work, keep going like this, it is truly amazing. It is a really nice redesign.
On an unending journey to be the best.
Drawing and 2D animation.
Don't hesitate to reach me to talk
Take care of you and thanks for reading this, may Allah bless you
Age 24, Male
Joined on 8/16/23